Internship Program

The Sioux Falls Sports Authority offers an internship program focused on Sioux Falls Sports Authority owned or operated events. A background in sport administration, sport marketing, sport management, communications, or journalism and a passion for sports are preferred. The intern’s learning experience is acquired by working part-time during normal business hours at the Sports Authority’s office, and at events for which the internship is focused. Internships are to be used for class credit.

Internship Opportunities

  • TBD

The Internship Experience

Interns will participate and gain valuable experience in several facets of the Sports Authority’s work. As an intern, you will be involved in event management, marketing and sales, communications, fundraising, graphic design, and web design. Interns are given major responsibilities crucial to the success of the organization’s events. They also participate in staff meetings, board meetings, and provide assistance to all full-time staff members as needed.

The growing popularity of sport management and marketing in academic programs and the field of sports as a career goal have resulted in greater competition for jobs in the workforce. An internship with the Sports Authority will give you experience and expertise allowing you to stand out in this specialized industry. You also will connect with many individuals in the Sioux Falls business and sports community through your day-to-day work at the Sports Authority.


  • enrolled in an academic program consistent with marketing and management in the sports and/or business industry

  • good writing, communication and people skills

  • prior sports related experience preferred and helpful

  • computer skills using Microsoft Office software applications

Internship Duration:

  • the duration of an internship is generally structured to begin during the event organization phase and culminates with the event execution phase.


How to Apply

Please submit the following (via email is preferred):

  • Letter of Interest

  • Resume

To: Project Director Jerry Palleschi

Address: 200 N. Phillips Ave, Suite 303, Sioux Falls, SD 57104